



AlexeyAB さんのDarknetの場合はhttps://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknetが全てと言う事でその指示にしたがってパラメータを入力しました。
1: 45.906712, 45.906712 avg loss, 0.000000 rate, 1460.403615 seconds, 64 images
Loaded: 0.000022 seconds
Region Avg IOU: 0.090963, Class: 0.332260, Obj: 0.500453, No Obj: 0.500137, Avg Recall: 0.023810,  count: 42
Region Avg IOU: 0.063928, Class: 0.332210, Obj: 0.500530, No Obj: 0.500144, Avg Recall: 0.000000,  count: 29
Region Avg IOU: 0.181828, Class: 0.332264, Obj: 0.500599, No Obj: 0.500149, Avg Recall: 0.171429,  count: 70
Region Avg IOU: 0.062633, Class: 0.332089, Obj: 0.500546, No Obj: 0.500141, Avg Recall: 0.000000,  count: 46
Region Avg IOU: 0.109374, Class: 0.332049, Obj: 0.500692, No Obj: 0.500140, Avg Recall: 0.038462,  count: 26
Region Avg IOU: 0.147027, Class: 0.332460, Obj: 0.500515, No Obj: 0.500137, Avg Recall: 0.081967,  count: 61
Region Avg IOU: 0.115006, Class: 0.332235, Obj: 0.500552, No Obj: 0.500143, Avg Recall: 0.035714,  count: 28
Region Avg IOU: 0.357765, Class: 0.333455, Obj: 0.500809, No Obj: 0.500143, Avg Recall: 0.108108,  count: 37

アベレージロスが0.000000と出ています。間違えてました。0.000000 rateって何だろう?
Note: If during training you see nan values for avg (loss) field - then training goes wrong, but if nan is in some other lines - then training goes well.




次にlabelimg/data の中にあるpredefined_class.txtを修正
 python3 labelimg.py
darknet/data の中に先ほど作ったjpgとtxtの入ったごちゃ混ぜデータをディレクトリごと移動またはコピー。
path_data = 'data/Murou/obj/'
 一応 darknet/ 内に必要ファイルをダウンロードします。このファイルは学習を収束させるために必要なファイルだそうです。  
  YOLO V3.0の場合は
  obj.names :先ほどのpredefined_class.txtと内容が同じファイル。

obj.data    :必要ファイルのリンクを書き込んだファイル。以下のような感じ。
      class   必ず指定。今回の場合3
      train ディレクトリとファイル名を指定 先ほどのtrain.txt
      valid ディレクトリとファイル名を指定 先ほどのtest.txt
      names   クラスファイルの場所とファイル名 obj.names

      backup  学習済みデータの保存先 このままでOK
classes= 3
train  = data/Murou/train.txt
valid  = data/Murou/test.txt
names = cfg/obj.names
backup = backup/
Create file yolo-obj.cfg with the same content as in yolov3.cfg (or copy yolov3.cfg to yolo-obj.cfg) and:
./darknet detector demo cfg/coco.data cfg/yolov3.cfg yolov3.weights

change line batch to batch=64
change line subdivisions to subdivisions=16
一般的には416x416。精度を上げるには608x608または832x832とする。ただしyolov3の場合608x608で学習させると、私の環境ではメモリーオーバーで止まる。今回618x618の場合は subdivisions=16 とした。
20行目の max_bachesを30000くらいにする
22行目 steps=4000,4500 くらいにする
に変更します filtersは (クラス数+5)X3  の数値です

./darknet detector train cfg/obj.data cfg/yolo-obj.cfg darknet53.conv.74 -map


 (next mAP calculation at 14700 iterations) 
 Last accuracy mAP@0.5 = 99.35 %, best = 99.43 % 
 14681: 0.225036, 0.257150 avg loss, 0.000010 rate, 6.993637 seconds, 939584 images
Loaded: 0.000019 seconds
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.912137, GIOU: 0.910393), Class: 0.999881, Obj: 0.983405, No Obj: 0.000766, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 2
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.830349, GIOU: 0.826423), Class: 0.995696, Obj: 0.897695, No Obj: 0.000465, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 5
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000005, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000002, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.880829, GIOU: 0.880195), Class: 0.999061, Obj: 0.854198, No Obj: 0.000727, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 7
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.800322, GIOU: 0.795880), Class: 0.998760, Obj: 0.395001, No Obj: 0.000165, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.714286, count: 7
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.761692, GIOU: 0.743397), Class: 0.992795, Obj: 0.088460, No Obj: 0.000442, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 1
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.892330, GIOU: 0.891681), Class: 0.999716, Obj: 0.970838, No Obj: 0.001251, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 10
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.781882, GIOU: 0.780087), Class: 0.949109, Obj: 0.497191, No Obj: 0.000057, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.333333, count: 3
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.857719, GIOU: 0.857054), Class: 0.999225, Obj: 0.844893, No Obj: 0.000485, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 2
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.802336, GIOU: 0.798664), Class: 0.998920, Obj: 0.955014, No Obj: 0.000785, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.750000, count: 4
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.838987, GIOU: 0.834024), Class: 0.998663, Obj: 0.400468, No Obj: 0.000035, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 2
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000282, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.869823, GIOU: 0.867091), Class: 0.999491, Obj: 0.947843, No Obj: 0.000634, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 5
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000002, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.913126, GIOU: 0.911567), Class: 0.999862, Obj: 0.995943, No Obj: 0.000754, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 2
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.804345, GIOU: 0.794554), Class: 0.999741, Obj: 0.833474, No Obj: 0.000557, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.666667, count: 6
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.828259, GIOU: 0.822738), Class: 0.998422, Obj: 0.600344, No Obj: 0.000076, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 3
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.873014, GIOU: 0.870102), Class: 0.999591, Obj: 0.998685, No Obj: 0.001034, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 4
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.888265, GIOU: 0.887465), Class: 0.999761, Obj: 0.987195, No Obj: 0.000591, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 4
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.792944, GIOU: 0.787508), Class: 0.999825, Obj: 0.907702, No Obj: 0.000157, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.500000, count: 6
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.900194, GIOU: 0.899056), Class: 0.999739, Obj: 0.997777, No Obj: 0.000506, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 1
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.880843, GIOU: 0.879901), Class: 0.999923, Obj: 0.999096, No Obj: 0.000403, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 5
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.834652, GIOU: 0.832130), Class: 0.999865, Obj: 0.769075, No Obj: 0.000301, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.909091, count: 11
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.847607, GIOU: 0.845608), Class: 0.998550, Obj: 0.997036, No Obj: 0.000357, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 1
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.828542, GIOU: 0.826807), Class: 0.999834, Obj: 0.938351, No Obj: 0.000534, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.833333, count: 6
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.807382, GIOU: 0.807382), Class: 0.999645, Obj: 0.446545, No Obj: 0.000044, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 2
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000001, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.864837, GIOU: 0.862551), Class: 0.999919, Obj: 0.996243, No Obj: 0.000655, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 5
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.812558, GIOU: 0.807358), Class: 0.999930, Obj: 0.933584, No Obj: 0.000038, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 2
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000002, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.897845, GIOU: 0.897455), Class: 0.999608, Obj: 0.984354, No Obj: 0.000419, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 4
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.815775, GIOU: 0.806992), Class: 0.999730, Obj: 0.619597, No Obj: 0.000044, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 2
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000002, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.862937, GIOU: 0.860239), Class: 0.999918, Obj: 0.991235, No Obj: 0.000616, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 6
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.841489, GIOU: 0.834102), Class: 0.999776, Obj: 0.703621, No Obj: 0.000030, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 1
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.827845, GIOU: 0.826595), Class: 0.999646, Obj: 0.941644, No Obj: 0.001461, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 3
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.832839, GIOU: 0.831670), Class: 0.999925, Obj: 0.993587, No Obj: 0.000677, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 4
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.799025, GIOU: 0.795008), Class: 0.913052, Obj: 0.587756, No Obj: 0.000132, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.833333, count: 6
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.775533, GIOU: 0.769263), Class: 0.999165, Obj: 0.476534, No Obj: 0.000147, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 1
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.867817, GIOU: 0.863557), Class: 0.999006, Obj: 0.668676, No Obj: 0.000477, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 3
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.623888, GIOU: 0.616664), Class: 0.546459, Obj: 0.391367, No Obj: 0.000020, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.000000, count: 2
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.870889, GIOU: 0.869707), Class: 0.999214, Obj: 0.914650, No Obj: 0.001233, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 4
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.862204, GIOU: 0.860642), Class: 0.999140, Obj: 0.719939, No Obj: 0.000630, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 4
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.805423, GIOU: 0.799391), Class: 0.994189, Obj: 0.102547, No Obj: 0.000026, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 2
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000002, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.862386, GIOU: 0.859989), Class: 0.999880, Obj: 0.742697, No Obj: 0.000445, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 4
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.791871, GIOU: 0.787106), Class: 0.999460, Obj: 0.744960, No Obj: 0.000040, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.500000, count: 2

 (next mAP calculation at 14700 iterations) 
 Last accuracy mAP@0.5 = 99.35 %, best = 99.43 % 
 14682: 0.278860, 0.259321 avg loss, 0.000010 rate, 7.174890 seconds, 939648 images
Loaded: 0.000033 seconds
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000002, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.810703, GIOU: 0.806056), Class: 0.999030, Obj: 0.744211, No Obj: 0.000674, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.750000, count: 8
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.764298, GIOU: 0.760145), Class: 0.998906, Obj: 0.575124, No Obj: 0.000132, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.600000, count: 5
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000003, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.868377, GIOU: 0.867648), Class: 0.999904, Obj: 0.975032, No Obj: 0.000677, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 7
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.781184, GIOU: 0.778921), Class: 0.999764, Obj: 0.854608, No Obj: 0.000164, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.666667, count: 6
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.917590, GIOU: 0.916560), Class: 0.999819, Obj: 0.994249, No Obj: 0.000950, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 2
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.840999, GIOU: 0.834302), Class: 0.999719, Obj: 0.951601, No Obj: 0.000755, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.714286, count: 7
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.827223, GIOU: 0.823592), Class: 0.999732, Obj: 0.644256, No Obj: 0.000074, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.666667, count: 3
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000233, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.838078, GIOU: 0.837860), Class: 0.999717, Obj: 0.971552, No Obj: 0.000375, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 3
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.840294, GIOU: 0.835282), Class: 0.997959, Obj: 0.265230, No Obj: 0.000010, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 1
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000047, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.883361, GIOU: 0.881718), Class: 0.999836, Obj: 0.991195, No Obj: 0.000858, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 6
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.826935, GIOU: 0.820828), Class: 0.999917, Obj: 0.748244, No Obj: 0.000063, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 2
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.816095, GIOU: 0.808041), Class: 0.999662, Obj: 0.978934, No Obj: 0.001594, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 4
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.788542, GIOU: 0.782187), Class: 0.999452, Obj: 0.979136, No Obj: 0.000612, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.833333, count: 6
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.864566, GIOU: 0.859319), Class: 0.999375, Obj: 0.407669, No Obj: 0.000028, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 1
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000001, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.840736, GIOU: 0.838519), Class: 0.999748, Obj: 0.875304, No Obj: 0.000537, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 0.800000, count: 5
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: -nan, GIOU: -nan), Class: -nan, Obj: -nan, No Obj: 0.000001, .5R: -nan, .75R: -nan, count: 0
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.827050, GIOU: 0.824066), Class: 0.998728, Obj: 0.460583, No Obj: 0.000486, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 1
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.898753, GIOU: 0.897707), Class: 0.999815, Obj: 0.871375, No Obj: 0.000473, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 4
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.546495, GIOU: 0.494828), Class: 0.977138, Obj: 0.350278, No Obj: 0.000027, .5R: 0.500000, .75R: 0.500000, count: 2
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.878498, GIOU: 0.875214), Class: 0.999045, Obj: 0.600723, No Obj: 0.000620, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 2
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.869378, GIOU: 0.867205), Class: 0.999579, Obj: 0.939749, No Obj: 0.000715, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 6
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.817488, GIOU: 0.814568), Class: 0.999738, Obj: 0.601861, No Obj: 0.000276, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 9
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 82 Avg (IOU: 0.889346, GIOU: 0.886728), Class: 0.999476, Obj: 0.954856, No Obj: 0.000708, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 1
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 94 Avg (IOU: 0.858460, GIOU: 0.854488), Class: 0.999810, Obj: 0.926675, No Obj: 0.000816, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 8
v3 (mse loss, Normalizer: (iou: 0.750000, cls: 1.000000) Region 106 Avg (IOU: 0.831838, GIOU: 0.831819), Class: 0.999879, Obj: 0.682484, No Obj: 0.000056, .5R: 1.000000, .75R: 1.000000, count: 1



wiwao@wiwao-desktop:~/darknet$ ./darknet detector train cfg/obj.data cfg/yolo-obj.cfg darknet53.conv.74 -map
 Prepare additional network for mAP calculation...
./darknet detector train cfg/obj.data cfg/yolo-obj.cfg backup/yolo-obj_14000.weights







git clone https://github.com/tzutalin/labelImg.git
sudo apt install pyqt5-dev-tools
cd labelImg
make qt5py3

次にlabelimg/data の中にあるpredefined_class.txtを修正します(これが一番手っ取り早い)。最初は20クラスぐらいあらかじめ書き込んでありますが、今回は3クラスだけなので、既に書き込んであるクラス名を全部消し、自分の好きな名称でクラス名を改行して書き込みます。今回はguu、tyoki、paaにしました。これは必ず修正が必要です。
 python3 labelImg.py


OpenDir で先ほど作ったイメージデータが入っているディレクトリを指定
Change Save Dir で同じディレクトリを選択。イメージもアノテーション
さらにSaveの下にある PscalVOC を選択して、必ずYOLOに変更します。
 そして上部のメニューバーからView->Single Class Modeにチェックを入れます。
Single Class Modeとはクラス名が同一の場合、連続でデータを入力できるので、1つのクラスに対応したjpeg画像がここで生きることになります。但しSingle Class Modeにすると最初だけClass名選択をする必要があります。


darknet/data の中に先ほど作ったjpgとtxtの入ったごちゃ混ぜデータをディレクトリごと移動またはコピー。


import glob, os

# Current directory
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

# Directory where the data will reside, relative to 'darknet.exe'
path_data = 'data/Murou/'

# Percentage of images to be used for the test set
percentage_test = 10;

# Create and/or truncate train.txt and test.txt
file_train = open('train.txt', 'w')  
file_test = open('test.txt', 'w')

# Populate train.txt and test.txt
counter = 1  
index_test = round(100 / percentage_test)  
for pathAndFilename in glob.iglob(os.path.join(current_dir, "*.jpg")):  
    title, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(pathAndFilename))

    if counter == index_test:
        counter = 1
        file_test.write(path_data + title + '.jpg' + "\n")
        file_train.write(path_data + title + '.jpg' + "\n")
        counter = counter + 1

   python process.py
また ./darknet detector train cfg/obj.data cfg/yolov3.cfg darknet53.conv.74 -map
として-map を付けないとどこまでの精度が確保できているかグラフが出てきません。
yolov3.cfg または yolov3_voc.cfg (yolov3シリーズのcfgファイル)を使って下さい。 

Yolov3.voc の変更点は 
20行目の max_bachesを30000くらいにする
22行目 steps=4000,4500 くらいにする



に変更します filtersは (クラス数+5)X3  の数値です

  obj.names :先ほどのpredefined_class.txtと内容が同じファイル。
  obj.data    :必要ファイルのリンクを書き込んだファイル。以下のような感じ。
      class   必ず指定。今回の場合3
      train ディレクトリとファイル名を指定 先ほどのtrain.txt
      valid ディレクトリとファイル名を指定 先ほどのtest.txt
      names   クラスファイルの場所とファイル名 obj.names
      backup  学習済みデータの保存先 このままでOK


The program 'git' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
sudo apt install git
wiwao@wiwao:~$ sudo apt install git
[sudo] password for wiwao: 
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 cuda-libraries-dev-10-1 : Depends: libcublas-dev (>= but it is not going to be installed
 cuda-samples-10-1 : Depends: libcublas-dev (>= but it is not going to be installed
 cuda-visual-tools-10-1 : Depends: libcublas-dev (>= but it is not going to be installed
 git : Depends: liberror-perl but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: git-man (> 1:2.7.4) but it is not going to be installed
       Depends: git-man (< 1:2.7.4-.) but it is not going to be installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution).
wiwao@wiwao:~$ sudo apt-get -f install
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Correcting dependencies... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  cuda-command-line-tools-10-0 cuda-command-line-tools-10-1 cuda-compiler-10-0
  cuda-compiler-10-1 cuda-cublas-10-0 cuda-cublas-dev-10-0 cuda-cudart-10-0
  cuda-cudart-10-1 cuda-cudart-dev-10-0 cuda-cudart-dev-10-1 cuda-cufft-10-0
  cuda-cufft-10-1 cuda-cufft-dev-10-0 cuda-cufft-dev-10-1 cuda-cuobjdump-10-0
  cuda-cuobjdump-10-1 cuda-cupti-10-0 cuda-cupti-10-1 cuda-curand-10-0
  cuda-curand-10-1 cuda-curand-dev-10-0 cuda-curand-dev-10-1
  cuda-cusolver-10-0 cuda-cusolver-10-1 cuda-cusolver-dev-10-0
  cuda-cusolver-dev-10-1 cuda-cusparse-10-0 cuda-cusparse-10-1
  cuda-cusparse-dev-10-0 cuda-cusparse-dev-10-1 cuda-documentation-10-0
  cuda-documentation-10-1 cuda-driver-dev-10-0 cuda-driver-dev-10-1
  cuda-gdb-10-0 cuda-gdb-10-1 cuda-gpu-library-advisor-10-0
  cuda-gpu-library-advisor-10-1 cuda-libraries-10-0 cuda-libraries-10-1
  cuda-libraries-dev-10-0 cuda-libraries-dev-10-1 cuda-license-10-0
  cuda-license-10-1 cuda-memcheck-10-0 cuda-memcheck-10-1
  cuda-misc-headers-10-0 cuda-misc-headers-10-1 cuda-npp-10-0 cuda-npp-10-1
  cuda-npp-dev-10-0 cuda-npp-dev-10-1 cuda-nsight-10-0 cuda-nsight-10-1
  cuda-nsight-compute-10-0 cuda-nsight-compute-10-1 cuda-nsight-systems-10-1
  cuda-nvcc-10-0 cuda-nvcc-10-1 cuda-nvdisasm-10-0 cuda-nvdisasm-10-1
  cuda-nvgraph-10-0 cuda-nvgraph-10-1 cuda-nvgraph-dev-10-0
  cuda-nvgraph-dev-10-1 cuda-nvjpeg-10-0 cuda-nvjpeg-10-1 cuda-nvjpeg-dev-10-0
  cuda-nvjpeg-dev-10-1 cuda-nvml-dev-10-0 cuda-nvml-dev-10-1 cuda-nvprof-10-0
  cuda-nvprof-10-1 cuda-nvprune-10-0 cuda-nvprune-10-1 cuda-nvrtc-10-0
  cuda-nvrtc-10-1 cuda-nvrtc-dev-10-0 cuda-nvrtc-dev-10-1 cuda-nvtx-10-0
  cuda-nvtx-10-1 cuda-nvvp-10-0 cuda-nvvp-10-1 cuda-samples-10-0
  cuda-samples-10-1 cuda-sanitizer-api-10-1 cuda-toolkit-10-0
  cuda-toolkit-10-1 cuda-tools-10-0 cuda-tools-10-1 cuda-visual-tools-10-0
  cuda-visual-tools-10-1 gir1.2-keybinder-3.0 libcublas-dev libcublas10
  libkeybinder-3.0-0 linux-headers-4.15.0-42 linux-headers-4.15.0-42-generic
  linux-image-4.15.0-42-generic linux-modules-4.15.0-42-generic
  linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-42-generic snapd-login-service
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following additional packages will be installed:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 334 not upgraded.
7 not fully installed or removed.
Need to get 0 B/38.9 MB of archives.
After this operation, 109 MB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
(Reading database ... 302549 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libcublas-dev_10.2.1.243-1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libcublas-dev ( ...
dpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/libcublas-dev_10.2.1.243-1_amd64.deb (--unpack):
 trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcublas_static.a', which is also in package nvidia-cuda-dev 7.5.18-0ubuntu1
dpkg-deb: error: subprocess paste was killed by signal (Broken pipe)
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

wiwao@wiwao-desktop:~/darknet$ make -j16
mkdir -p obj
mkdir -p backup
mkdir -p results
chmod +x *.sh
g++ -std=c++11 -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/image_opencv.cpp -o obj/image_opencv.o
g++ -std=c++11 -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/http_stream.cpp -o obj/http_stream.o
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/gemm.c -o obj/gemm.o
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/utils.c -o obj/utils.o
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/dark_cuda.c -o obj/dark_cuda.o
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/convolutional_layer.c -o obj/convolutional_layer.o
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/list.c -o obj/list.o
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/image.c -o obj/image.o
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/activations.c -o obj/activations.o
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/im2col.c -o obj/im2col.o
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/col2im.c -o obj/col2im.o
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/blas.c -o obj/blas.o
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/crop_layer.c -o obj/crop_layer.o
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/dropout_layer.c -o obj/dropout_layer.o
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/maxpool_layer.c -o obj/maxpool_layer.o
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/softmax_layer.c -o obj/softmax_layer.o
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
./src/activations.c: In function ‘activate’:
./src/activations.c:68:5: warning: enumeration value ‘SWISH’ not handled in switch [-Wswitch]
./src/activations.c: In function ‘gradient’:
./src/activations.c:138:5: warning: enumeration value ‘SWISH’ not handled in switch [-Wswitch]
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/data.c -o obj/data.o
./src/dark_cuda.c: In function ‘get_cuda_stream’:
./src/dark_cuda.c:120:18: warning: unused variable ‘buffer’ [-Wunused-variable]
             char buffer[256];
./src/dark_cuda.c: In function ‘get_cuda_memcpy_stream’:
./src/dark_cuda.c:141:18: warning: unused variable ‘buffer’ [-Wunused-variable]
             char buffer[256];
./src/dark_cuda.c: In function ‘cudnn_handle’:
./src/dark_cuda.c:161:23: warning: unused variable ‘status’ [-Wunused-variable]
         cudnnStatus_t status = cudnnSetStream(handle[i], get_cuda_stream());
gcc -Iinclude/ -I3rdparty/stb/include -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv` -DGPU -I/usr/local/cuda/include/ -DCUDNN -Wall -Wfatal-errors -Wno-unused-result -Wno-unknown-pragmas -fPIC -Ofast -DOPENCV -DGPU -DCUDNN -I/usr/local/cudnn/include -c ./src/matrix.c -o obj/matrix.o
./src/http_stream.cpp:306:10: fatal error: opencv2/opencv.hpp: No such file or directory
 #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
compilation terminated.
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
./src/image_opencv.cpp:15:10: fatal error: opencv2/core/version.hpp: No such file or directory
 #include <opencv2/core/version.hpp>
compilation terminated.
Makefile:149: recipe for target 'obj/http_stream.o' failed
make: *** [obj/http_stream.o] Error 1
make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Makefile:149: recipe for target 'obj/image_opencv.o' failed
make: *** [obj/image_opencv.o] Error 1
Package opencv was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `opencv.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'opencv' found
./src/gemm.c: In function ‘convolution_2d’:
./src/gemm.c:2037:15: warning: unused variable ‘out_w’ [-Wunused-variable]
     const int out_w = (w + 2 * pad - ksize) / stride + 1;    // output_width=input_width for stride=1 and pad=1
./src/gemm.c:2036:15: warning: unused variable ‘out_h’ [-Wunused-variable]
     const int out_h = (h + 2 * pad - ksize) / stride + 1;    // output_height=input_height for stride=1 and pad=1
./src/convolutional_layer.c: In function ‘forward_convolutional_layer’:
./src/convolutional_layer.c:1097:32: warning: unused variable ‘t_intput_size’ [-Wunused-variable]
                         size_t t_intput_size = binary_transpose_align_input(k, n, state.workspace, &l.t_bit_input, ldb_align, l.bit_align);
./src/maxpool_layer.c: In function ‘cudnn_maxpool_setup’:
./src/maxpool_layer.c:27:19: warning: variable ‘maxpool_status’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
     cudnnStatus_t maxpool_status;
./src/data.c: In function ‘load_data_detection’:
./src/data.c:892:19: warning: unused variable ‘scale’ [-Wunused-variable]
             float scale = rand_precalc_random(.25, 2, r_scale); // unused currently